Star Wars Legends, formerly known as the Expanded Universe (abbreviated EU), encompasses every. Anakin Skywalker was a Force-sensitive human male who served the Galactic Republic as a Jedi.
Explore Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the animated series featuring Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, and the clone army in their fight against the Separatists. Padmé Amidala (born Padmé Naberrie) is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, appearing in the prequel trilogy portrayed by actress Natalie Portman.
Star Wars Legends Wookieepedia"After Star Wars was released, it became apparent that my story—however many films it took to tell—was only one of thousands that could be told about the characters who inhabit its galaxy. But these were not stories that I was destined to tell. Instead, they would spring from the imagination of other writers, inspired by the glimpse of a galaxy that Star Wars provided.
Today, it is an amazing, if unexpected, legacy of Star Wars that so many gifted writers are contributing new stories to the Saga."―George Lucas, from the introduction of Splinter of the Mind's Eye, 1. Splinter of the Mind's Eye, the first Expanded Universe novel, published in 1. Star Wars Legends, formerly known as the Expanded Universe (abbreviated EU), encompasses every one of the officially licensed, fictional background stories of the Star Wars universe, outside of the original six Star Wars films produced by George Lucas and certain other material such as Star Wars: The Clone Wars, created before April 2. It is derived from and includes most official Star Wars–related books, comic books, video games, spin- off films, television series, toys, and other media created before the date. This material expands and continues the stories told in the films, taking place anywhere from over 3. The Phantom Menace to 1. Return of the Jedi.
The issue of which aspects are canon was one of the most hotly debated topics among fans. On April 2. 5, 2. Lucasfilm Ltd. announced that in preparation for the upcoming sequel trilogy, the Expanded Universe would be retconned; past tales of the Expanded Universe will be printed under the Star Wars Legends banner, and a new continuity has been established that consists only of the original six films, the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series and film, and all future material from that point onward. Though past elements of the Expanded Universe have been declared non- canon as a whole, they remain a resource for future Star Wars material to reference, thus bringing these elements into the new continuity as canon.[1][2]The Expanded Universe had a continuity with few wrinkles. The general rule was that nothing in the Expanded Universe was allowed to contradict any other part of the Expanded Universe or the films.
The films, however, do slightly contradict the Expanded Universe on occasion, and retcons were created in the Expanded Universe to fix these contradictions. In the absence of such ad hoc solutions, the EU is considered incorrect only on the particular points of contradiction.
The Expanded Universe is actually older than the films themselves, as the novelization of the original film was published six months before the film was released. In in- universe chronology, the earliest works are the Dawn of the Jedi comics, which are set millennia before the films, while the latest are the Legacy comics, which are set about one hundred and thirty years after Return of the Jedi. History"The premise of all the comic books, novels, games, and other spin- off works is that they all work chronologically, that the continuity forms one unbroken story.
Since our movies have their own internal continuity, we maintain that in the spin- off works. Technically, George Lucas has been doing continuity all along by mapping out the nine films. But it wasn't until 1.
Timothy Zahn wrote the novel Heir to the Empire, the first Star Wars best- seller, which was the beginning of what we call the Star Wars renaissance, that continuity became an issue."―Lucasfilm continuity editor Allan Kausch, 1. Early years. The early development of the Expanded Universe was sporadic and unrefined, in large part because, at this time, there was so little canon material for the creators to use as reference. The Expanded Universe is generally considered to have begun with Alan Dean Foster's February 1. Star Wars spin- off novel, Splinter of the Mind's Eye, although technically it began in October 1. The Keeper's World, in Marvel Comics' Pizzazz magazine. Splinter drew inspiration primarily from an early draft of the Star Wars script. Although George Lucas's name is on the cover of the original Star Wars novelization, Alan Dean Foster ghostwrote it.
Foster was given a copy of the working script and a tour of the production.[3]Much of the early EU material from the early 1. Star Wars universe had no connection to Earth or our own time. Development"Over the years, many artists and designers have contributed to the articulation of the various universes of Lucasfilm. Taking their cues from the minimal words of description on a script page, these talented men and women have sketched, drawn and/or modeled creatures of magnificent breadth, unimaginable terror, and mind- boggling eccentricity. Some of these creatures have made it into film, while others, because of the way stories unravel, have not (so far).
But this does not mean they do not exist. For once something is created, no matter what the context, it takes on a life of its own."―Foreword written by George Lucas in Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas[src]Vector Prime introduced a new threat called the Yuuzhan Vong to the saga. A turning point was reached when West End Games began publishing the Star Wars roleplaying game in 1. In order for players of the roleplaying game to create new adventures, West End Games needed to provide supplemental material describing the Star Wars universe in previously unknown detail and to make it self- consistent and coherent. As an example, the Aurebesh alphabet was originally a random piece of set dressing used in Return of the Jedi.
Stephen Crane copied those symbols and turned them into a complete and workable alphabet which would later be used in the prequel trilogy. Developing and extrapolating from details like this in a consistent fashion turned West End Games' Star Wars products into a de facto reference library for other developers of the EU. Around the same time, Dark Horse Comics acquired the Star Wars license previously owned by Marvel and used it to launch a number of ambitious sequels to the original trilogy which began with the popular Dark Empire series. At the same time as Dark Empire's release in the early 1.
Bantam Spectra published Timothy Zahn's The Thrawn Trilogy. Widely publicized as the "sequels which were never made," Zahn's novels reignited Star Wars fandom and sparked a revolution in Star Wars literature. All this development began to feed back and reference itself and create cross- connections. West End Games produced roleplaying supplements based upon Dark Horse's comics and Zahn's novels. Novelists and comic creators used West End Games' supplements as reference material.
Sequels to the novels were being published as comics and vice versa, and the scope of the Expanded Universe grew at a prodigious rate. At that point, the bulk of the Expanded Universe has detailed the Star Wars universe after the end of Return of the Jedi, as numerous topics, including the rise of the Galactic Empire, the personal histories of Anakin Skywalker and Emperor Palpatine, and the Clone Wars had been declared off- limits by George Lucas prior to the development of his prequel trilogy and related material. It was decided in the late '9. Empire as the villains had become repetitive and monotonous.
A new threat, the Yuuzhan Vong, was introduced in the New Jedi Order series. Specifically, the Yuuzhan Vong first appeared in the first New Jedi Order book, The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime. The EU and the prequels. Prior to the release of The Phantom Menace, Lucasfilm specifically prohibited development of the decades prior to A New Hope in the Expanded Universe. The release of Episode I, however, threw open the gates to new possibilities.
Heir to the Empire Legends cover. Since The Phantom Menace was set in a time of peace, it was hard to invent any kind of threat for the heroes to fight against.[source?] Thus most material that built on The Phantom Menace was set either before or during the film, rather than after.
Anakin Skywalker Wookieepedia FANDOM powered by Wikia. Anakin Skywalker. Skin color. Cybernetics. Cybernetic right arm; [8] later prosthetic arms and legs, and a life- support system[9]"You are the Chosen One. You have brought balance to this world. Stay on this path and you will do it again… for the galaxy. But beware… your heart…"―The Father's last words, to Anakin Skywalker[src]Anakin Skywalker was a Force- sensitivehumanmale who served the Galactic Republic as a Jedi Knight and later the Galactic Empire as the Sith Lord.
Darth Vader. Believed to have been conceived by the Force, he was born to Shmi Skywalker and came to reside on the Outer Rimplanet of Tatooine as a small child, where he and his mother were slaves of the prominent crime lord. Gardulla the Hutt before falling into the ownership of a local Toydarianjunk dealer named Watto.
An engineering prodigy, Skywalker rebuilt the protocol droid. C- 3. PO using scavenged parts to help his mother.
Soon thereafter, during the Naboo Crisis, he was discovered by Jedi Master. Qui- Gon Jinn and his apprentice, Obi- Wan Kenobi, who freed Anakin from slavery after a successful wager on the youth's podracing skills. Bringing him into the Jedi Order, Jinn hailed Skywalker as the Chosen One of Jedi prophecy, destined to defeat the Sith and bring balance to the Force. In the years leading up to the Separatist Crisis, Skywalker was apprenticed to Obi- Wan Kenobi. Following the events of the Battle of Geonosis—the opening engagement which sparked the devastating, galaxy- wide conflict known as the Clone Wars—Skywalker secretly married his childhood love, Senator. Padmé Amidala of Naboo. As the war progressed, Skywalker saw very little of Amidala, prizing the moments the two were able to share with one another.
Early in the course of the war, the Jedi High Council assigned Skywalker a Padawan of his own, Ahsoka Tano, a gifted student who, much to Skywalker's chagrin, eventually left the Order before the war's end. Towards the end of the war, Skywalker was blessed with the news of impending fatherhood when Amidala announced she was pregnant with his child. This blissful moment proved to be short- lived, however, as Skywalker became plagued with visions of his wife's demise in childbirth. In a misguided attempt at saving the lives of Amidala and their unborn child, Skywalker was driven to the dark side of the Force and ultimately betrayed his fellow Jedi by pledging himself to the teachings of his former confidant and friend, Supreme Chancellor. Sheev Palpatine—the public guise of the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious—who rechristened him Darth Vader.
In a swift sequence of events, Palpatine officially ended the war, destroyed the Jedi Order, and proclaimed himself Galactic Emperor. To put an end to the Clone Wars, Darth Vader was tasked with the elimination of the Separatistleadership, who had gone into hiding on the planet Mustafar. Shortly after completing his mission, Vader was confronted by his wife, Amidala, who attempted to persuade him to turn away from the dark side and run away with her. Believing Amidala had betrayed him when his former master, Kenobi, emerged from her ship, he attacked her before engaging in a duel against Kenobi. Ultimately, Kenobi emerged the victor and Vader was left limbless and burnt on the banks of a volcanic river.
Forced to live in a life- supporting armored suit as a result of his injuries, upon learning of the death of his wife, he continued to serve Sidious as his apprentice and chief enforcer. Under the new Imperial regime, alongside his master and Grand Moff. Wilhuff Tarkin, Vader ruthlessly put down any rebellion against the new Empire. He also trained the Inquisitorius to hunt down any remaining Jedi and retrieve any newborn Force- sensitives per his master's will. Almost two decades after his turn to the dark side, the various rebel groups who opposed the tyrannical rule of the Galactic Empire had united to form the Alliance to Restore the Republic and destroyed the Death Star, a superweapon that was meant to cement the Emperor's supreme rule over the galaxy.
As the sole survivor of the Empire's stunning defeat at the Battle of Yavin, Vader was blamed and found himself pitted against several potential replacements vying to become the Emperor's new apprentice. In the meantime, he uncovered that the Force- sensitive pilot who was responsible for the destruction of the Death Star was his son, Luke Skywalker, whom Amidala had given birth to before she passed away and whom Kenobi had hidden on the one planet he knew would Vader never return to, Tatooine. Now aware of the Emperor's deception, Vader drew young Skywalker out and attempted to sway him into joining him and overthrowing his master: Luke refused, unable to accept the truth. As the Galactic Civil War culminated at the Battle of Endor, Vader fought Skywalker in a final duel aboard the Death Star II, his son now a Jedi Knight set on redeeming him back to the light side. Skywalker defeated his father but refused to kill him, prompting Sidious to attempt to kill the young Jedi; witnessing this, Vader abandoned the dark side and sacrificed himself to destroy the Emperor, fulfilling the prophecy of the Chosen One. Mortally wounded, Anakin Skywalker made peace with his son and became one with the Force.
Before he died, Vader learned he also had a daughter, Leia Organa. She subsequently married the smuggler. Han Solo and had a son named Ben Solo. From his youth, Ben struggled against his own pull to the dark side of the Force and, upon learning the truth of his mother's parentage, he became obsessed with his grandfather's legacy.
He himself fell to the dark side and became Kylo Ren, master of the Knights of Ren and apprentice to Snoke, the Supreme Leader of the First Order—the successor to the Galactic Empire. Biography. Early life. Skywalker as a child."Had he been born in the Republic, we would have identified him early. The Force is unusually strong with him, that much is clear. Who is his father?""There was no father. I carried him, I gave birth, I raised him, I can't explain what happened."―Qui- Gon Jinn and Shmi Skywalker[src]Believed to have been conceived by the midi- chlorians,[1. Anakin Skywalker was born to the slave.
Shmi Skywalker. Skywalker and his mother were originally owned by Gardulla the Hutt until she lost them to the Toydarian. Watto in a podracing bet when Skywalker was age 3. The two then moved to the desertworld of Tatooine. Affectionately nicknamed "Ani", he worked in his master's shop, located in Mos Espa.[7]C- 3.
PO's photoreceptors. Even at a young age, Skywalker exhibited exceptional piloting skills, and built the protocol droid.
C- 3. PO, specially modified to withstand Tatooine's sand and heat,[1. Once, while he was working in Watto's scrap yard, he found a broken servomotor he thought he could repair and use on the droid he was building and asked his master for it. With a glance, Watto saw that it was worthless and grunted that he could, but as Skywalker walked away, Watto told him nothing was free, and had him work harder the next day.[1. Skywalker got the photoreceptors for the droid at a market in Mos Espa. Though a Gran wanted them too and chased him through the market, Skywalker escaped by destroying an Ithorian's stall and blocking the Gran's pursuit.[1.
He was close friends with fellow slaves Kitster Banai and Wald, as well as the elderly Jira. He also built his own podracer.[7]Discovery. At the age of 9,[6] Skywalker encountered the Jedi Master. Divx Ipod The Incredibles 2. Qui- Gon Jinn, Padmé Amidala, Jar Jar Binks, and R2- D2, during their search for a new hyperdrive unit for the Naboo Royal Starship. Seeing his potential as Jedi, Jinn allowed Skywalker to help them secure the parts they needed for their starship by winning the Boonta Eve Classic—only to learn that he had also won his freedom in doing so.