Watch The Hole Cartoon Teddy Scares

Peggy Whitson holds up Chinese cabbage grown in the International Space Station in a tweet sent on May 30, 2017. Photo: AP NASA astronaut and biochemist Peggy Whitson. Watch breaking news videos, viral videos and original video clips on

Margot Robbie Isn't Sure What Harley Quinn's Next Movie Is Either. Margot Robbie, who played Harley Quinn’s baseball bat- wielding live action debut in Suicide Squad, is pretty sure she knows when she’ll be filming more material as the character. But she’s much less sure about what movie it’ll be for. Robbie is currently doing press for I, Tonya, her Tonya Harding biopic (which, by many accounts, seems to be good), and while at the Toronto International Film Festival The Wrap asked her about her role in the DC films.

The conversation here is incredibly telling. I think next year I’ll be back in the fishnets wielding a baseball bat, I hope,” Robbie says. With the.. Joker movie?” asks the reporter, to which Robbie replies, “Your guess is as good as mine at this point. I don’t know.”“#TIFF1.

Margot. Robbie tells us about her next move. Wrap. TIFF @Thompson.

Toronto…Read more The actress could be holding back here, but somehow I don’t think so. This further confirms something we already know: the DC cinematic universe, particularly where the Joker is concerned, is in absolute chaos. And not the good, villain- oriented kind that Christopher Nolan was into.

Is Jared Leto returning as the Joker in the next movie? Good question. How many Joker movies are even in the development stage right now?

Lim Chuan Shin is a freelance artist from Malaysia who has worked on games like Street Fighter V and Agents of Mayhem. Cities: Skylines’ PlayStation version has a release date of August 15th. You can ruin tiny simulated peoples’ commutes on so many platforms! Margot Robbie, who played Harley Quinn’s baseball bat-wielding live action debut in Suicide Squad, is pretty sure she knows when she’ll be filming more material. Hi-Def Quality Toy Story 3 more. Watch the latest Featured Videos on View more videos on CBS News, featuring the latest in-depth coverage from our news team. Ever notice how Christopher Nolan’s movies (Interstellar, Inception, The Prestige) feel like an anxiety attack? Well, maybe that’s overstating things a bit. But. Greetings, my Westerosi window envelopes! As you can probably guess, last week’s episode of Game of Thrones—and its increasing dominance over the pop culture.

Good question. Is Harley Quinn still slated to appear in a Gotham City Sirens film alongside other lady villains of the DC universe? Good question. One would hope that the actors would have a slightly better handle on this than the rest of us watching from the sidelines, but that’s increasingly looking like it’s not the case. At least Robbie seems pretty sure she will be returning as Harley Quinn, which may be more than we can say for Jared Leto. At least we’ll always have Suicide Squad, right? Right, guys? [The Wrap, via Heroic Hollywood].

Tensions on the Korean peninsula between North Korea and virtually every other country in the region continue to escalate in the wake of its possible detonation of a.

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